Michael J. Seidlinger


MICHAEL J SEIDLINGER is the author of a number of novels including The StrangestThe Fun We’ve Had, and The Laughter of Strangers. He serves as Electric Literature‘s Book Reviews Editor as well as Publisher-in-Chief of Civil Coping Mechanisms, an indie press specializing in innovative fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Falter Kingdom is his first YA novel.

Books by Michael J. Seidlinger

Falter Kingdom

Hunter Warden just wants some peace and quiet. He wants to watch unboxing videos and be lulled to sleep by the monotone voices and smooth talking YouTube hosts. He wants his parents that are always working to either totally leave him alone or be around for once. After a few beers, Hunter decides to get away from it all and go for a run in Falter Kingdom.  Read more...

Hardback: N/A

Paperback: $16.00 

eBook: $10.00